Skin Cancer Checks

Woman undergoing skin cancer check at Healthcare Evolution medical practice, Doctors in Hunter Region

Skin Cancer Checks and Assessments

We provide early detection, diagnosis and management of skin cancers.

  • Full skin examinations (“skin checks”)
  • Cryotherapy
  • Punch, shave and excision biopsies
  • Excision of most skin cancers
  • Referral for removal of skin cancers (when required)
  • Aftercare following skin cancer removal
  • Regular surveillance following skin cancer removal
  • Education about sun avoidance and skin cancer prevention measures
  • Promoting skin cancer awareness

Personalised Care

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) recommends a formal skin check every 12 months:

All doctors can perform skin checks. Many doctors have completed postgraduate study in skin cancer detection.

Please identify at the time of appointment that you require a ‘Skin Check’ appointment:

Patients requesting skin cancer removal will first need a general appointment with the doctor to discuss their suitability and plan the most appropriate time for the procedure. Procedures will require an additional 30-60 minute appointment. You will be able to drive after your procedure.

skin cancer
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