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Aged Care Services

aged care service

Aged Comprehensive Health Checks

We also offer comprehensive health services, including:

  • Medication Management Reviews (approx. 60 minutes)

    This review aims to maximize the benefits from your medication regimen and prevent medication-related problems through a team approach, involving both your GP and a home visit from your preferred community pharmacy.

  • Health Check for people aged 75 and older (annual) (approx. 60 – 90 minutes)

    This check is for all patients aged 75 or older and provides a structured way of identifying health issues and conditions that are potentially preventable or that may benefit from interventions in order to improve health and quality of life. It provides an opportunity to discuss with your doctor or practice nurse any issues that are affecting your overall health and wellbeing.

  • Health Check for Residents of Residential Aged Care Facilities

    This check is for permanent residents of an aged care facility and provides a structured way of identifying health issues and conditions that are potentially preventable or that may benefit from interventions in order to improve health and quality of life. This check involves a comprehensive assessment of the resident’s physical function (including activities of daily living and falls, psychological function (including cognition and mood), pain management, foot care, skin integrity, continence, hearing, vision and oral health.

  • Coordinated Veterans’ Care (CVC) Program (approx. 60 – 90 minutes)

    The CVC Program is a targeted program for Gold Card holders living in the community who have one or more chronic conditions (congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, pneumonia) that increase their risk of unplanned hospitalisations. Your GP and practice nurse will work closely with you on a regular basis to help you understand your health needs, assist you in better managing your conditions and to coordinate the various aspects of your care. Your care plan will be regularly reviewed and you will be given a patient friendly version of the plan to take home and keep handy as a reminder of your medications, appointments and health goals.

Aged Care Services

We provide a comprehensive range of older people’s health services. Our Doctors also visit nursing homes. If you have your loved ones in a nursing home then please discuss it with your doctor whether we can look after them.

  • Preventive Care

    • Skin checks
    • Screening for Glaucoma
    • Screening for Osteoporosis
    • Screening for Bowel Cancer
    • Screening for Diabetes
  • Healthy Lifestyle Checks

    • Education on Weight, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar and Cholesterol checks
  • Immunisations

    • These vaccinations are free for people who are 65 years and above or patients who have any chronic disease
    • Pneumonia (pneumococcal immunisation)
    • Annual Flu (influenza immunisation)
    • Herpes (Shingles immunisation – eligible for 70-79 years old people)
  • Advanced Care Planning

    • Respite arrangements and
    • Assisting in transition to residential care.
  • Palliative Care

    • Our Doctors work with other teams involved in comfort care approach to patients who are palliative and suffering from cancers or other terminal illnesses.
  • Nursing Home Visits

    • We offer nursing home visits to all possible nursing homes which are close to the community.
    • Some salient nursing homes we visit are; Koombahla, Summit Care and Woodland Lodge
  • Other

    • Mental Health Care
    • Participation in Multidisciplinary Case Conferences (for Nursing home patients)